Terms of service.

Enchanting Touch’s Policies and Procedures




Appointment only


Hours and Operation

 Monday – 6:30PM-8:00PM

Tuesday - 6:30PM-8:00PM

Wednesday - 6:30PM-8:00PM

Thursday - 6:30PM-8:00PM

Friday - 6:30PM-8:00PM

Saturday - 9:00 AM-7:00 PM

Sunday - CLOSED



Arrival to your Massage session

Please arrive for your appointment 10-15 minutes prior to the scheduled starting time. This allows you the time to fill out the appropriate client form (new clients), change and prepare for the service. All treatment sessions have a specific time schedule and early arrival allows for a relaxed and unhurried experience. If late arrival is inevitable, your service may be shortened in order to keep on schedule and the original treatment time may be charged.


Late Arrival Policy

All treatment sessions have a specific time schedule therefore we regret that late arrivals may not receive extension of scheduled appointments. In special cases, and when our schedule will allow, we may be able to accommodate a partial or full appointment. This will be at our discretion and only with proper, advanced notification of your late arrival. The original reservation fee will be charged.


Sessions cannot be extended beyond 5 min past original end time

You are considered a no call/no show if you have not arrived 15 min after your scheduled time

 If you arrive after that time, your session will end at the original end time and you will be charged the full session price



No Show Policy

At Enchanting Touch, we understand that unanticipated events occur in everyone’s life. Unforeseen events such as car problems, business meetings and children’s illnesses, are just a few reasons why one might consider canceling a massage appointment. However, we ask that you call if you cannot keep your appointment. Clients who miss their appointments without giving any prior notification may be charged in full for the scheduled service.

Cancellation Policy and Fees

Your therapy times are reserved exclusively for you. We value your business and ask that you respect the office scheduling policies. Should you need to cancel or reschedule, please notify us at least 24 hours in advance.

Any cancellations with less than 24 hours of notice are subject to a cancellation fee of $50 ($30 for a half-hour session). Clients who miss their appointments without giving any prior notification will be charged in full for the scheduled service. We recognize the time of our clients and staff is valuable and have implemented this policy for this reason. When you miss an appointment with us, our therapists not only lose your business, but also the potential business of other clients who could have scheduled an appointment for the same time.



Your first session will begin with a brief review of your health history, focusing on problematic or painful areas. This is an important process to determine the course of treatment that will best meet your needs. During this time, you will need to disclose information about your health history in order to rule out any contraindications for massage. In some cases, you may be asked to provide a written release from your primary care physician in order to receive massage. Keep in mind that your medical records will be held confidential. In some cases, the information from your chart may be shared with other health care providers, but only with your written permission.

The client must also keep the massage therapist informed of any changes in health conditions.

For clients undergoing chemo and radiation therapies – Please note that we require a doctor’s note that states the doctor is aware of and agrees to the desired treatment.

Informed Consent

Prior to each massage session, the treatment plan will be discussed with you. At your first visit with us you will be asked to sign the treatment consent form stating that you have read the information, understand it, and agree to comply with the professional massage therapy or acupuncture policies and procedures. Clients who we have not seen for at least a year may also be asked to fill out this form.


 The nature of most massage therapies requires direct skin contact in order to accurately view involved body parts/areas and apply oils, lotions, or other lubricants as needed. During traditional massage sessions, clients are covered and draped with sheets and towels, only uncovering the body part to be worked on. The goal here is to allow you to feel safe and warm. The genitals are never exposed or massaged.



The actions of our daily lives naturally produce a layer of bacteria on our skin. Some of these bacteria, if forced into skin pores, can cause illness and discomfort (for cigarette smokers, this also includes nicotine). Therefore, for your health and safety, please shower or bathe prior to your appointment.


During sessions, clients are encouraged to relax and inform the practitioner immediately if anything makes them uncomfortable, either physically or psychologically, so adjustments can be made.



The practitioner will not engage with any client in intimate social or personal relationships. Personal and professional boundaries are respected at all times. The practitioner only performs services for which they are qualified professionally, physically, and emotionally. Referrals to the appropriate specialists are made when working with the client is not within the scope of practice of the massage therapist or not in the client’s best interest. All client information is held confidential. All clients are treated with respect regardless of their age, gender, race, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, body type, political affiliation, state of health, or personal habits.


Respect for Client Needs and Boundaries

Our Massage Therapists are happy to adjust pressure, temperature, musical volume, work longer on an area or move on if you request it.

The client may choose to: leave on as much clothing as needed for comfort, refuse any massage methods, stop massage at any time.

The client will always be modestly draped. Only the area being massaged will be undraped. The clients will be kept informed of the area to be massaged.

Sexual interaction or discussion of any kind between the client and the massage therapist is NEVER appropriate.

 There is zero tolerance for sexual harassment in my massage practice. The profession of massage therapy ascribes to a code of ethical behavior, and I believe firmly in adhering to those ethical standards.


Scope of Practice

Enchanting Touch therapists are Alabama licensed professionals and held to the highest standards of the American Massage Therapy Association.

Massage Therapy is a profession in which the practitioner applies manual techniques, and may apply adjunctive therapies, with the intention of positively affecting the health and well-being of the client.

Licensed Massage Therapists do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. Our therapist may refer you to a medical doctor for diagnosis or treatment. Our services are not intended as an alternative for proper medical attention for specific conditions. Please refer to a medical doctor for any specific condition which requires medical treatment.

Confidentiality and Conversation

We treat all client visits and conditions as confidential. As such, we will not discuss your visit with anybody outside of our staff without your express permission.

You may choose to talk or not talk during the massage. Conversation will be guided by the client’s direction.


In order to help ensure that you obtain your desired appointments, we recommend scheduling your appointment as far in advance as possible to ensure availability. To accommodate your desired appointment a credit card is required at the time of booking to guarantee your reservation. We hold this information as part of our cancellation policies and only make necessary charges to your account on the date of your scheduled service. Details of our cancellation policy are provided below.

*Please notify the receptionist of any allergies or sensitivities to aromas or ingredients when you schedule your appointment.


 I reserve the right to refuse potential clients for any reason.



Payment for all services is due at the time of your visit. Many insurance carriers now cover massage therapy. If you have insurance, you must still pay for your visit. You will be provided with a receipt that you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. It is recommended that you call your insurance company to find out if massage therapy services are covered and if there are any restrictions such as needing a prescription form your primary care physician.

Cash and debit/credit cards are accepted.



Gift certificates are available for purchase and expire one year of issuance.



 • Massage sessions are by appointment only.

 • Don’t eat a heavy meal before your massage.

• Privacy and confidentiality will be maintained at all times.

 • A client / practitioner Informed Consent Agreement must be read and signed, and the client will be provided with a written copy of the massage policies prior to the first session.

• Not every muscular issue you have may be addressed during a given session, but I strive to improve your overall well-being by the time your session is complete.

• Your practitioner reserves the right to refrain from performing massage on clients who appear under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

• Clients must inform the practitioner of any prescription medications being used and for what reason.

• There is no smoking permitted in my practice, and please, refrain from doing so immediately prior to the session. I reserve the right to refuse treatment to any client who has an overabundance of nicotine odor on their skin.


I reserve the right to change, add to, or modify any or all of the above policies with or without notice to the client.